Village Green Trees
Published: 02 February 2023
As the owner and custodian of the Village Green, the Council had a professional inspection of the trees growing on the Greens carried out in November 2022. The report assessed risks and included recommendations for works required to improve the condition of the trees and to simplify management of them. The trees – limes, horse chestnuts and maples – are a prominent feature of the village with high amenity value.
The report identified no moderate or high risk trees so overall the risk is low. Epicormic growth at the base of trees will be removed and trees will be periodically reviewed: crown lifted to 5.2m above roads and 2.5m above footpaths – satisfactory at the moment.
Unfortunately many of the trees are at a similar point in their life cycle and it was recommended that this should be tackled through a management programme centred around improving immediate safety in addition to the phased establishment of replacement trees. The plan will identify works and planting opportunities to stabilise the tree population, particularly in relation to climate change issues and current best practice.
The Council’s Tree Management Policy is available to read on the
Finance and Governance page of this website.

The trees in earlier times!